tirsdag 7. juni 2011

A Thousand Splendid Suns

The relationship between Mariam and Laila

Mariam is born outside marriage, she is a harami. When her mother dies she gets forced to live with a man called Rasheed. Her relationship between Rasheed is violent and tense.

Laila lives nearby Mariam. She got a beloved family and a father that cares for her. One day her house gets bombed and she is the sole surviving. She wakes up at Rasheeds place, and since then he takes care of her. They get married.

At the beginning their relationship is tense and their daily life contains a lot of conflicts and disagreements. However, as time goes by, they learn that they can trust each other.

One day Rasheed and Laila get in a conflict and Rasheed tries to kill Laila. Mariam saves her by hitting Rasheed with a shovel.

Laila runs away along with Tariq and her children. She asks if Mariam wanted to come with them, but she turns herself in to the Taliban regime for murderer. Mariam gets stoned.

They develop throughout the plot from a tense relationship to a caring and emotional relationship. They learn to cooperate and show consideration. They discover the value of friendship and they become like a mother and daughter for each other.

tirsdag 1. mars 2011

Prince Charles

Prince Charles, the son of Queen Elizabeth II, was born november 1948. He is the Prince of Wales. His full name is Charles Philip Arthur George. He got two sons; Prince William and Prince Henry.

Untill 1996 the Prince was married to Lady Diana Spencer. Lady Diana died in a car crash in Paris when the media tried to follow her. In manys oppinion it was the media and papparazzies that killed her. Today Prince Charles is married to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. Camilla is the titleholder of Princess of wales.

The Prince are well-knowned for his charity works; The Prince's Trust, The Prince's Regeneration Trust, and the Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment etc.

mandag 31. januar 2011


today we watched the movie Crash. The movie is a collection of several stories taking place during two days in Los Angeles. We meet this black police officer with a drugged mother and a criminal brother, a racist white cop with a sick father at home, his more idealistic younger partner,a locksmith and his daughter, a TV reporter and his wife and a Persian immigrant who tries to run a store.

The movie contains several aspects like humiliation, dignity, pride, family all connected into a multicultural settings. I think it was a good movie and enjoyed watching it

mandag 17. januar 2011

How to behave/ not to behave in your mentor business

In your montor business you should present yourself nicely, and make an effort to integrate in the business. You should show interest in their daily work and try to find out as much as posible.

In your mentor business you may not run around and act like an idiot. Use common sense and behavior.

torsdag 28. oktober 2010

3rd post:

In London you might enjoy a delightful cup of warm stunning tea or consume a terrific British breakfast. I did both. During my stay, an English breakfast was an obligatory start of the day. Usually it was fried eggs, bacon, sausages and toast. Yummy, there is no need to starve in this city.
As the day went on, I visited several cafes, only to enjoy an exquisite cup of English tea. The Englishmen sure know how to make great tea. The tea came to England as a result of colonizing in China. Travelers came home with this warm stunning drink all the way from the Asian continent, to please the inhabitants of the British island. Chinese people invented the tea; however it is one of those things we might attach the most to England.
I sat at a café at Oxford Street. I glanced at the enormous crowd of hectic and stressed people walking from stores to stores freaking out with their credit cards. Oxford Street is one of the busiest shopping streets in Europe, with almost two kilometers of stores and warehouses. The range of shopping options is almost endless. You can find music stores like HMV, shopping centers like Selfridge and brand clothes like Nike and Lewis. I had to struggle not to spend too much money. However, the most exclusive and distinguished stores are located at Knightsbridge, a street west in London. Knightsbridge is where the upper-classes live. The street contains luxurious apartments and working offices, and expensive brand stores. I decided not to go there, in fear of spending the last money I got.
London is a city that embodies historical aspects and cultural contents. Despite the fact that London is Europe’s economical and political centre, you can’t avoid noticing its cultural content. In this city you may watch a musical, go to opera or visit a theater. If you decide to amuse yourself, I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed. Either you prefer entertaining musicals, hilarious comedies, or classic English Drama. I spent the afternoon at the Royal Albert Hall, a famous concert hall located in South Kensington. The hall got its name after Prince Albert who lived from 1819 to 1861. Royal Albert Hall is often used to host enormous music arrangement. Not only classic music, but also pop and rock groups have played on the stage of this well-known concert hall. The hall can accommodate 9000 spectators, but they rarely allow more than 7000 with regard to safety. 
It is evening in London. Now I’ve packed my luggage and I’m ready for destination Norway. It sure has been an educational and exciting trip with a lot of new impulses. However I’m looking forward to come home to my own country and enjoy my normal everyday life.  Good bye!

2nd post:

I woke up the next morning in my hotel room and walked out on my balcony. I had an overwhelming view from my suite in 7th floor. I noticed Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. All these sights were remarkable and outstanding. The fact that approximately 20 million tourists visit the city annually, tells that London a very attractive destination for eager travelers from places all over the world. I thought I might not be the only one visiting these attractions this day.

I first went to visit Tower Bridge. The bridge was built as a consequence of London’s expanding economics in the 19th century. It is shaped in a typical British medieval style with two towers with connection to each other. Tower Bridge is made like a bascule bridge so the bridge would open and let bigger boats pass. It was an outstanding bridge, which radiated beautiful English culture and history. It sure is a remarkable landmark for London.

My next stop was Madame Tussauds, a wax museum worthy a visit. It was founded by Marie Tussauds, a significant and talented wax artist who lived in the last half of the 1700s. Inside the museum you could see a lot of real size famous persons made of wax. Despite the fact that these persons was made of wax, If no one told me, I would believe they were real. I saw the invincible boxer Mohammed Ali, the king of pop; Michael Jackson, the German Nazi; Adolf Hitler, and a lot of famous actors like Troy Bolton and Tom Cruise.

My third visit was Big Ben. A giant bell placed at the north end of the Palace of Westminster. Palace of Westminster is where the British parliament is located. Big Ben is, with its 98 meters, the third highest clock in the whole wide world. It sure was worthy a visit. Next to the clock tower I was noticing a giant Ferris wheel. I walked over there and asked a random guy what it was. He told me that it was the London Eye, the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe. The Ferris wheel contains 32 egg-shaped capsules that allow people to see a pretty amazing view over London. I just had to try it, and I was so scared! Although the view was outstanding, I could not focus on anything but the height.

The last stop of the day was Buckingham palace. Buckingham palace is the home of the British royal family. The palace was built in 1703 and got more than 600 rooms! When the queen spends in Scotland every summer, then the palace offers guided tours in parts of the royal building. Unfortunately for me it is April, and I am not allowed to go inside this time. Despite the disappointment it sure was a pleasure watching the building’s facade.

Today was an exhausted day, but I’ve seen a lot, and now I’m ready for bed. Sleep tight.

My Travel to London; 1st post

Someone told me that traveling around in London is like jumping into a beautiful postcard. A few days in this city would be an amazing way to spend my vacation. I’m so excited I can’t wait. Now I’d like you to read, enjoy and be inspired by my travel blog as my journey around in this wonderful and outstanding city proceed.
Then suddenly one Monday I was on my way to the land who is the owner of a white flag with a red cross in it. The flight to London was ready for departure at 6 PM. I sat next to a very pleasant local man from London. He told me everything I wanted to know about this interesting and fascinating city, and the country it belongs to. England is a part of the United Kingdom, which is an archipelago located west in Europe. The UK includes following countries; England, Scotland, North Ireland and Wales. England has a big population, with over 50 million inhabitants. London is the capital of England. With approximately 7.8 million citizens it is one of the largest cities in Europe. The city is an economical and political centre for all of Europe and plays an important role in maintaining stability in the international marked.
The English man told me that a lot of thrilling events have taken place in London throughout the history. The citizens have been invaded by the Romans, and by Norwegian and Danish Vikings. In 1665 the city was hit by a horrifying pest, which killed 70 000 people. The year after the pest, an appalling fire broke out and only one-fifth of the city was unharmed and almost 13 000 buildings were burned down. Furthermore, he could tell me that under the Second World War, London was unfortunately bombed by the German air force. Large areas were reduced to rubble. Industrial buildings, public houses and residential areas were massacred and destroyed. London and other British cities were bombed 57 nights in a row. These stories made me frightened; it’s so terrible that so many unpleasant events have taken place in this city. However, although London has experienced a lot of bad things, the city today is considered as a very modern and successful city.
When I finally arrived at my hotel, I started to check my schedule. Tomorrow, I was supposed to visit Tower Bridge, Madame Tussauds, Big Ben and Buckingham palace. Oh dear God, it should be a hectic day.